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Línea del tiempo




Once finished your presentation , you will create a timeline about the middle ages : In it it should appear the periods, and most important events  even important characters of this period : to do that we will use an educative resource called timerime  here you have a tutorial on how to use it Tutorial Timerime


Dates and centuries  : Year 476,  Year 1031( XI c.),  year 711, year 718,  year 929,  year 1212,  year 1479  year 722, year 756 , year 1492

important events  :   Granada conquest , Union of Castileand  Aragón crowns ,  Navas de Tolosa battl e, Caliphate  of Córdoba, Covadonga battle , Independent Emirate of Damascus , Guadalete battle,   Cruzadas, Barbarian invasion, Taifas kingdoms , Muslim invasion ...

You should also find images to ilustrate your timeline

Here you have an example of a timeline