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At the end of this unit you will be able to :

1.- Know the major events that took place during the Middle ages in Spain

2.- Identify the social political and cultural rights of each of the peoples who inhabited the territory at the time

3.- Put the events of the Middle Ages in chronological order

4.-Sequence the major stages that make up the Middle Ages

5.- REcognise the major artistic events of the era and its features


HIspania in the middle Ages

The visigoth Kingdom

Al Andalus : its cultural legacy

The Christian kingdoms and the Reconquista

Art in the medieval times

You know from the title of this didactic unit that we are going to study a period of time in History , but first we wiil see if we can remember different periods of time.

Watch the following images and let´s comment them

Remember to use these structures

I think it is from the Paleolithic because...

I think it is from the ancient age ...

Image Gallery

Now you can revise your knowledge about the ancient history here

Ancient History

 Place the historical events in the correct place on the timeline by writing

the number of the event in the correct box. (workbook activity 1)


1. Fall of the Roman Empire.

2. French Revolution.

3. Appearance of the First Human Beings.

4. Invention of Farming.

5. Discovery of America.

6. Invention of Writing.

7. Muslim Invasion of the Iberian Peninsula.

8. Birth of Jesus Christ.













The development of livestock farming and agriculture

The invention of writing


The fall of the Roman Empire

The discovery of the Americas

The French Revolution


Read the timeline carefully. Then listen and complete the text below AGES OF HISTORY

Cloze Activity

Read the paragraph below and fill in the missing words.

History is divided in five different ages: Prehistory, History, the Middle Ages, the Age and the Contemporary Age. extended from the time the first human beings appeared until the invention of . ANCIENT Age from the invention of writing until the of the Empire. The AGE extended from the fall of the Roman Empire until the discovery of the

The MODERN age extended from the of the Americas until the . The AGE extended from the Revolution until   day.

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Let´s have a look at the following History timeline:

Afterwards you will design a timeline of the events in Middle ages in three stages:

1º Draw a draft of your timeline and show it to your teacher

2º When your teacher allows you , copy it and glue some nice pictures to illustrate it 


Now let´s do activities from pages 1,2,3 from your workbook